Monday, December 27, 2010

Which is more important for a site content or links?

It is like this question.
which is better AIR??? WATER??? expand »

I believe both are imp. Because links gives a favor vote to our site where content is important because it gives G reason to index our website and we will have natural links. For best practice both content and links are essential.

If the option is to chose one I will go for links as there is fundamental concepts that persist, all the contents are reachable through links.
hmmm but as per my thoughts ..contents are more without it a site is like a"naked site"..and on the basis of contents of the sites links are being puted..
Some SEO experts say that content is king and Google is behind the fresh content and this is the only thing that makes your site look fresh and listed higher on the search engine.
expand »But recently I have read a post which is saying that after doing the competition between Backlinks & site content the site is won in ranking which is carrying more backlinks.
We have the content still we need back links. And when there is a page obvious there will be content. it is about content optimization and quality of the content. As u said "whole backlinking procedure is mainly based upon the site content". so what is the need of backlinks??? I understand, good content are source of natural flow of links. Again links for what?? the answer is for ranking.
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As far as the linking strategy, there is a parameter OBL. We dont read the content of the page then proceed. Rather we check the theme and OBL.

The conclusion from my end: The purpose of a page is 1) (Bring visitors) Rank well 2) (Convert visitors) Sell/Satisfy well ..... Now a page that may satisfy well but doesn't bring visitor is like a huge shop in a remote village (it is not profitable) ... We will have to bring people .. if we are bringing people using ads only we can forget about search engines and content part altogether, we can also forget about links.... now if we need traffic from search engines then we need to expand »understand the formula which is something like (Value of the content x value of links) ... now the value of the content will be limited to a certain value so for high competitive market only content will not suffice and content will hardly play any role in very competitive keywords ... links will rule but for low competitive keywords content enough will suffice.... why do people say the content is the king (the reason is for the informative articles as an informative article will bring in natural links and will also satisfy people) ... 1) Write content to rank so that you score well with respect to content value 2) Get links so that you can score well with respect to link value ... it is never a competition between which is bigger content or link ... both are playing its role .. these days content is playing a major role in search engine rankings ... example… here google used to rank but now only Google CSE ranks as the page has the keyword in it. .... :) Enjoy the discussion.


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